Measuring Impact: How can we evaluate the outcomes of a health education programme?

The Cancer Collaborative is a UCLH commissioned project in North and East London which aimed to improve cancer screening, knowledge, diagnosis and care together with GPs, health service commissioners, local authorities and patients.

We evaluated the wider project across all the Boroughs involved including assessing the overall objectives and aims.

We used the Theory of Change model to evaluate the programme by linking together the activities conducted within each Borough of London, with their outcomes and outputs. Together these allow us to map out short-term, medium-term and long-term anticipated changes as a result of activities conducted. This helped to inform the evaluation of the programme and help us to assess the UCLH objectives and aims of the project.

This project helped to evaluate techniques that worked and didn’t work to increase the knowledge, awareness and uptake of specific cancers in groups of people where uptake and knowledge is low. For this reason, Borough specific target groups were selected. We believe that the Theory of Change model will help provide valuable insights into the activities and anticipated outputs that will help improve uptake and knowledge of cancers for future projects.


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