Evaluate Your Product + Assess its Social Value
We use a wide range of methodologies and data collection approaches to evaluate your product, programme or services and Social Value and Social Impact.
Experience and Expertise
Featured Case Study: Measuring the SROI and Social Value of the Amazon Innovation Accelerator.
Featured Blog Post: A beginner’s guide to Social Value to understand the key concepts.
Featured Podcasts and Videos: Evaluation could be part of ongoing testing through an experimentation mindset as outlined by James Gunaca
Evaluation of programmes, products and services
We use a range of methods to deliver evaluations
Pre- and post-surveys
Pre- and post-interviews
A/B and multivariant testing
Open and closed Beta testing
Data analysis of existing datasets e.g. CRM
Social Value and Social Impact
Understand the economic, social and environmental impact
Theory of Change
Social Return on Investment
National TOMs
Logic Model
Participatory Design
Realist Evaluation
Case Study Methodology