Product Market Fit: Is there a product-market fit for a rideshare product?
An electric vehicle ride-share company was interested in identifying the market demand including blockers and willingness to pay for a shared subscription service.
Using innovative methods to collect this information by engaging employees on-site. We delivered participatory mapping, an exercise where participants plot travel behaviour alongside a voting exercise, to quickly identify modes of transport used and frequency of trips. We conducted surveys with these employees to gather more in-depth representations of their views of ride-sharing to and from work.
We also provided the wider project team with tools and materials to collect their own data to validate their product idea with potential customers.
This was an interesting and rapid project that delivered valuable insights into the market acceptance and demand for a subscription ride-share service as well as providing insights into incentives for behaviour change.
“We needed a quick turnaround for our project as we needed to validate product-market fit for an upcoming grant funding deadline.
They gave us the tools to collect our own data through a survey and participation mapping alongside them collecting in-depth data from an organisation.
They provided a lot of value and delivered a high standard of research in a short time.”
— Founder, Startup