From Discovery to Product Delivery

Holistic Product and UX Consultancy

Product and UX Coaching

Depending on your business and product needs, I can help you with:

  • Product leadership: Upskilling product managers and product teams in leadership frameworks they can use to develop soft skills from negotiation to stakeholder management

  • Product discovery and UX research: Understanding user and customer needs through customer discovery including interviews, focus groups and observation, to learn the problem to inform ideation for the solution

  • Product experiments and testing: Usability and UX testing to evaluate user behaviour to inform where the product design needs iterating and lean experiment methods to test market acceptance of the concept to MVP

  • Product marketing: Evaluating the commercial and market opportunities and developing a marketing approach that speaks to your audience based on discovery and experiment feedback

  • Product analytics: Using tools and frameworks to evaluate and analyse user behaviour and uptake of your product

  • Product operations: Establish or streamline your product operations for development work and instil communications for cross-functional collaboration

  • Roadmaps and strategy: Working with you and your team to develop relevant roadmaps that fit with the product and business strategy and vision, where tasks and features are prioritised

If you’d like to learn how to use product and UX methods in practice, I can work with you and your team to coach and upskill so you have these skills in-house rather than having them on a contractor basis.

What Clients Are Saying

“We deployed Dr Chloe Sharp to undertake two major research projects for our group of businesses. The team managed to glean insights that have been instrumental in steering our direction on a path that is wholly differentiated and giving us the edge on our competition, hands down. The complexity of our industry was captured and crystallised into bite-sized chunks that were easy to digest across a number of key functions, meaning that we were able to proactively take the critical recommendations and integrate them into our business model seamlessly. If you are looking for a fresh approach to market research that delivers real value, then I would thoroughly recommend choosing Sharp Insight.”

Marketing Manager, Redstone Connect

““Data and ethics is a very important topic to us and as technology progresses, councils want to keep up but there is more responsibility and accountability and having a considered approach, that accounts for ethics and information governance toward predictive analytics for the older population, and one that is growing, was the key focus of the project. Chloe spoke to our Adult Social Care service users to explore their views toward unstructured data and supported workshops ran by LSE. She brought together the primary data and analysed this alongside the brief evidence review, which is secondary research, to bring us actionable and relevant recommendations.”

— Public Health, Islington Council

“She really challenged our assumptions and gave us something concrete to work with…We felt reassured that the iterations of the product are in line with user needs and our future product roadmap is based on evidence rather than assumptions.”

— Founder, Moses

“One of the key aims of the project was to conduct a market assessment discovery phase through secondary and primary research. Sharp Insight were part of the team to deliver the research alongside other providers in South Africa. Dr Chloe Sharp’s research was detailed and in-depth and created a solid base of understanding the market that Moses want to enter.”

— Founder, Moses

“Dr Chloe Sharp’s work has been invaluable in helping us assess and understand our market opportunity better and provided a level of professional support that we could never have imagined receiving in advance. I very much look forward to their continued support and expertise as we develop new products and widen our market.”

— Founder, TOME

“It was an amazing session where you got lots of stories from students talking about their life, work and experience. It’s great to hear how you tell stories in different contexts bringing emotions into it. Look forward to having you more. 200% recommended. After, I saw students use the techniques and effectively share their stories throughout your session.”

— Lecturer, Cranfield University

“Dr Chloe Sharp worked with us to deliver discovery and research on our value proposition to digitise training offerings. She worked well with our team and delivered a report and overview for the participants to read to summarise the results. Speaking to busy NHS managers and leaders isn’t an easy task.”

— Head of Digital, NHS Leadership Academy